When intelligent voice devices interfere with life, do you insist on using it?
Source: | Author:pmo57031c | Published time: 2017-11-30 | 1128 Views | Share:
Intelligent voice aides have become a part of life for Alexa and Google HOME users. At present, these devices are passive acceptance of commands, not to actively disturb users. However, in the near future, they will all be more active, and we may have to face a problem. "We will go into more areas of risk, and decide whether a long-term relationship with these devices," Rutgers University Assistant Professor Terri Kurtzberg said.

Both Amazon and Google have announced that their smart voice devices will increase notification capabilities and allow access to third parties. However, there are various restrictions on these functions, and the users also have great autonomy. In the interview with Wired website, some developers said that Amazon and Google haven't considered the specific form of the notice, and they also know how annoying the cell phone notification is.

"I think all the designers are aware of the mobile phone, notice how bad, therefore, in the new equipment, they do not want to make the same mistake," a designer Cheryl Platz of Microsoft said, "trust will become more important, and you will not have too much the opportunity. If an application - for example, you enjoy a quiet dinner at home and get a notice of Advertising - I don't think you'll trust the application anymore. The consumer may try to draw a line between your brand and your brand.
As a result, the platform providers take a more cautious attitude when they are open to the third party. They worry that if the notification is overflowing, consumers may be able to stay away from their own smart voice devices. "The voice platform provider must implement the relevant rules and behavior," Roman Kalantari technical director of New York creative design consultant Fjord said, "we know that application developers will continue to break through the limitation, therefore, Amazon and Google will take such drastic policy. In order to get the attention of the user, the developer may be at all costs. "

Take the mail service Trove as an example. At present, to understand whether a mailbox has important mail, Trove users need to ask Alexa actively. According to Trove's CEO Guy Suter, they are working with Amazon to try to expand the scope of the notification. For example, when there is an important mail in the mailbox, the voice assistant can give you the initiative. "We will be very cautious in terms of the way and timing of the announcement." Suter said, "with a dedicated Alexa user, rather than the CEO of the start-up company, I will be very careful when Alexa suddenly starts talking."
The question is, how many companies can strictly control their behavior under the drive of interest? "All these companies have to make a choice," Platz said. "Apple, Google, Amazon and any voice assistant company need to make decisions: should we let the third party decide the way and the time? Or should we limit this to ensure user experience, but at the same time affect the profitability of these companies? "